Heather/Dio Duo with Darren Palmer, video artist
Live improvisation at the Chapel Performance Space in Seattle, November 15, 2018.
Heather Bentley, viola; Dio Jean-Baptiste, drums; Darren Palmer, video improvisations
Improvisations ith Michaud Savage at the Royal Room in 2016
Played some super satisfying sounds with my good buddy, guitarist Michaud Savage at the Father Daughter series: improvised music and video at the Royal Room
In June 2017 I developed this homage to the elements of earth, water, fire, air and aether with Kaley Eaton, composer/vocalist/improviser/programmer. Using SuperCollider tech, Kaley programmed responses from the viola signal plus processed samples to create this 28 minute journey. Leanna Keith, flutist/improviser and all-around genius expands the work with her dazzling imagination. Atmokinesis is the ability to psychically control the weather.
Letters From Iraq with Rahim AlHaj
KEXP made this beautiful video of Rahim Alhaj's Letter 6 - Unspoken Word with Victoria Parker, Rachael Pearson, Rajan Krishnaswami and Steve Schermer and Issa Malluf. Incredible musical experience.
Bach - goldberg variations arr. sitkovetsky
Trio Pardalote played live at the Classical KING FM studio in January 2013.
jean cras string trio excerpt
From our inaugural Club Shostakovich event at the Royal Room - July, 2012.